National Events

On the occasion of the Amazigh New Year 2024/2974:
the Directorate of Tourism and Traditional Industry, in coordination with the Culture and Arts Sector of the State of El-Tarf and under the supervision of the Governor of the State of El-Tarf, organized a exhibition which includes several different activities of traditional handicraft products belonging to artisans and tourist associations.

#Journal of national tourism on June 25, 2023
A l’occasion of the relevance of the Journée Nationale du Tourisme, which came to the 25th of juin of this year, sous the slogan «The tourisme au coeur de l’Algérie moderne», and sous the l’egide of the Wali of the Province d’El Tarf, the Direction of Tourisme et de l’Artisanat of the Province d’El Tarf organise a Journée d’Information et de Sensitization of emerging institutions and leur rôle in the modernization and numérisation of tourist services on the day of June 25, 2023 in the reunion hall of the siege of l’Etat, but the consacrer intérêt for tourism and soulignant on the social and economic value and its impact on the realization of objectifs developer.

Under the supervision of the Wali of El Tarf, and as part of the celebration of the Amazigh New Year, the Directorate of Tourism and Handicrafts of El Tarf participated in the activities of the cultural week of Amazigh heritage 2973-2023 in organizing various exhibitions showcasing the diversity of customs and traditions in El Tarf. The President of the People’s Assembly of the State and Local Authorities of the Youth House, Muhammad Bachin, in the municipality of El Tarf, and I have experienced a great participation of citizens to learn about the customs and traditions.

In commemoration of the 62nd anniversary of the demonstrations of December 11, 1960, the Wali of the Province of El Tarf oversaw the conclusion of the activities of the Young Travelers Forum in its first edition at the State meeting hall, which aims to promote historic tourism and to preserve the national memory.

In commemoration of the 62nd anniversary of the demonstrations of December 11, 1960, the activities of the Young Travelers Forum, in its first edition, were launched in the wilaya of El Tarf, which is organized by the Directorate of Tourism and Handicrafts on 9-10-11 December under the slogan “Young people in the footsteps of their ancestors” with the participation of several States including: Annaba, Constantine Guelma, Oum El Bouaghi, Biskra, Sétif, Bejaia, Skikda and El Tarf.
The event aims to discover historical sites and promote historical tourism to preserve the national memory and link the young generation to the championships of the ancestors.
Demonstration activities: Exit with the mujahideen within the historical route of the municipality of Zaitouna, starting from the cemetery of the martyrs and praying for their pure souls, Riadat, Mouradia, site of the battle of Neshma in Nawazi, Hammam Sidi Trad. Competition for the best coverage of the activity.

The National Crafts Day under the slogan: “Traditional industry is an existing heritage… and a permanent heritage”: Under the supervision of the Wali of the Province of El Tarf, the Directorate of Tourism and Crafts has relaunched the National Crafts Day under the slogan: industry is an existing heritage… and a permanent heritage” with the participation of: Chamber of Traditional Industries and Crafts. The National Microcredit Management Agency. The National Social Security Fund for non-employees. Scientific Research Laboratory “Functional and Evolutionary Ecology” at El-Shazly Ben Jedid University. Several activities were carried out, including the honoring of a certain number of craftsmen and the distribution of shops of the traditional industry of Al-Qala to the beneficiaries, in addition to the signing of an agreement between the Directorate of Tourism and Traditional Industries and Al-Shazbi Ben Jedid University in El Tarf To support craftsmen in the preparation of the product and training in certain disciplines.