Tourist Development Plan

Preparing tourist sites

• Preparing four tourist expansion areas (Cape Rosa, Hanaya, Al-Mufraq Sharqi, and Al-Mufraq West) after the completion of the study.

• Preparing and equipping fifteen (15) licensed swimming beaches (Al-Ouinat, Al-Mallah, Al-Jabal, Al-Kabeer Beach, Golden Sands, Al-Balah, Al-Drush, Al-Batah, Cap Rosa, Hanaya, Old El Kala, Msida, As-Sabi, Al-Shatt) (Studies are completed).

• Preparing the tourist quota (site 1 and site 2).

Preparing the two tourist itineraries “El Kala and El Zaytouna” (studies have been completed).

• Preparing two climate stations (02) in Bouqous and Zitouna (studies are completed).

Improvement of tourist sites

• Developing and equipping the sites at the edge of the lakes (Al-Mallah, Abireh, Tanga and Lake Al-Tawor) with light structures.

• Create new recreational forests.

• Opening paths and preparing four (04) new beaches that are not allowed for swimming.

• Restoration of historical and cultural sites (churches of the citadel, the palace of Fatima, fortress of France, the mill).

• Construction of a dual road linking the wilaya of Sidi Salem Annaba and the municipality of Chott wilaya al-Tarf to improve tourist sites.

• Changing the activity from the old fishing port to the marina (renovating the port, developing the corniche and installing commercial equipment).

• Installation of equipment in light structures in break areas.

Improving tourism activity

• Completing a promotional plan for the tourism sector and traditional industries (tourist guides, tourist maps).

• Allocating a budget for associations to organize tourism activities during the season.

• Organizing national and international festivals at the castle’s open theater during the summer.

• Establishing craft workshops and small and medium-sized businesses to improve craft activities (necessary oil and coral).