Our Craftsmanship

Chamber of Handicrafts of El Tarf

Created by Executive Decree No. 323.09 of Shawwal 22, 1430 corresponding to October 11, 2009 amending and supplementing Executive Decree No. 97.100 of Dhu al-Qa`dah 21, 1417 corresponding to March 29, 1997, corresponding to the Chamber of Crafts and professions.

Legal personality:

the Chamber of Handicrafts was created by Executive Decree No: 97.100 of 21 Dhul-Qa’dah corresponding to March 29, 1997. Its structures and management (organization) are determined by public establishments of an industrial and commercial, endowed with legal personality and financial independence, and placed under the supervision of the minister in charge of crafts.

The chambers are a place of representation of the trades of the craft industry and are the privileged partner of the local or national communities in all the fields concerned by the

craft development.

• Maintaining and managing the register of traditional industry and crafts.

• It proposes to the communities concerned a program for the development of traditional industry and craft activities at the level of their regional directorates and implements it after approval by the Minister responsible for crafts.

• It certifies craft products and issues all documents, certificates or visas related to the quality of services.

• All the recommendations and suggestions drawn up in the field of legislation and professional and tax regulations are presented to the competent public authorities of the Chamber.

• It undertakes all work aimed at promoting and developing the traditional craft sector, particularly in the field of export and investment.

• Participate in the initiatives of representative bodies with the same objectives.

• Carry out training, improve the level and update information for the benefit of artisans in its regional offices.

• Expresses his point of view on the events of traditional craft activities.

• Creation of establishments related to its missions, in particular branches, training schools, refresher courses, establishments for animation and assistance to crafts, as well as exhibition structures, sales areas and craft activity zones.