Our Wilaya

Direction of Tourism and Craft Industry

El Tarf is one of the famous Algerian states, located in the far north-east of Algeria and is close to the Tunisian border; It is bordered by the east and to the west by the state of Annaba; to the south it is bordered by the states of Souk Ahras and Guelma, in the north of the state by the Mediterranean Sea. National Road No. 44 divides it into two parts.
The state of El Tarf is characterized by its agricultural character, dense forests and beautiful beaches (25 beaches) where there is one of the largest and most beautiful mosques in the state, the Al-Furqan Mosque, which was built on the ruins of a church that was demolished with the departure of French colonialism from the city to build the mosque.
El Tarf city is considered the economic center of the state and is distinguished by its grapes, which are considered among the finest grapes nationally. The Wilaya of El-Tarf comes from the administrative division of 1984, it covers an area of ​​2891.75 km2 and is home to a population of 400,000 inhabitants, it is administratively organized into seven (07) daïrats and twenty four (24 ) commons.
Its splendor and beauty is the forest wealth that spans an area of ​​167,311 hectares, or about 57% of the total area of ​​the state, and among the trees exploited from this wealth are cork, camphor, medicinal herbs. In addition to the tourist wealth represented in the coastal strip, which is 90 km long and contains 05 Areas of Touristic Expansion(ATE) .
For this reason, mothers and elderly women are keen to add beautiful touches to the bride’s dress, by embroidering the Oud al-Sakhab, which is a thread studded with perfume beads, dried carnations, coral and gold water. Shoshnah and Qandora Al-Furqani.
The coral crown is a symbol of a woman’s dignity and chastity in her family’s home before her wedding to her husband. Coral is also used in the manufacture of worship beads exported from Italy to the holy sites. In the second category comes the manufacture of pipes extracted from the stem of the hard forest plant “Heathing”, or what is called in the local dialect “Bohaddad”, and the best types of ashtrays and plastic artifacts are made from it that adorn storefronts and museums, and there are types of water weed ribs such as The “dom”, which is used in the manufacture of baskets, hand gauntlets and hats, to protect against sunburn. Coral remains the huge marine wealth on which the residents of El Tarf depend.